"First Aid Training Sussex 01342 824715"
​Sussex First Aid | Forest Row | Sussex First Aid Training
RTC Road Traffic accident.
We never start out to be in an accident on the road, in fact most of the time its not our fault.
Having 14 years of operational experience RTC's have been a major part of daily activities.
Going on holiday we sometimes think that there will be emergency services on call, however the truth can be quite different.
For those who have travelled to the fantastic islands of Greece there are far too many crosses that mark where people have died. Some of these may have had different turnouts if the travellers had some basic training on what to do when you are on your own in a car that has been involved in an accident.
What we cover in the course.
Contacting the local authorities, how to. its not 999
The most common injuries, how to treat them and improve significantly your chances of survival.
Catastrophic bleeds, from 40 seconds to 4 minutes to deal with that emergency, calmly and effectively.
Haemostatics, how to stop a bleed using the most up to date medical first aid.
Burns, breaks, amputation, lacerations, entrapment, spinal issues, head trauma and more.
Great if you are going on a holiday in a remote part of the world. A daughter or son on a gap year which is a priceless bit of kit that weight nothing they can take with them for the rest of their lives.
Call today for more information 01342 824715 email@sussexfirstaidtraining.co.uk & email@sussextrauma.co.uk